Dear Parent/Guardian,

The Second Term 2022/2023 Academic Session ends today, Tuesday 28th March, 2023. Students/Pupils are to come for the collection of their report Booklets/Dossiers on Wednesday 5th April, 2023. Third Term of 2022/2023 Academic Session will commence on Tuesday 2nd May, 2023. Parents/Guardians are requested to ensure that their Children/Wards resume on the stipulated date of resumption as the first continuous assessment (CA) test will be conducted on that date.

  1. The school fees for Third Term of 2022/2023 Academic Session is as follows:


SECTION Payment via First Bank Branch directly into the School Account.

Account Name:  Maiduguri Capital School

Account Number:  2001470765

Payment via  Point of Sales (POS) Machine available in the school.
NURSERY / PRIMARY 18, 000 18, 200
SECONDARY 25, 000 25, 200

(Parent/Guardians are free to use any mode of payment that is convenient)

Please note that school fees could be paid even during the holidays.

  1. We wish to appeal to all Parents/Guardians to ensure that their Children/Wards are in school not later than 7.45am daily because lessons commence by 8.00am. Parents/Guardians should note that their children/wards are conveyed to school by trusted drivers/persons known to them for safety purposes as well as notify the school authority when such persons are changed. Students/Pupils are expected to comply strictly with the proper sewing pattern, dress code as well as appear neatly in the school uniform as improper sewing pattern, tattered and dirty school uniforms will not be tolerated. Furthermore, the use of make-up by female students and other related adornments such as hair-wigs, large ribbons, etc., are not allowed in the school. GSM phones are strictly prohibited in the school; therefore, students are not expected to bring them to school as the phones will be confiscated. Parents/Guardians should complement the effort of the School Management in instilling good moral behaviour in students/pupils by monitoring the usage of Smart Phones at home because it is a major distraction to their academic pursuits. Parents/Guardians with children/wards in the Nursery/Primary Section of the school should endeavour to provide their children/wards with Reading/Writing materials as these are very essential for learning at that level. Parents/Guardians should also ensure that their children/wards maintain proper hygiene and neatness for their mental as well as physical well-being, and also pick their children/wards on time (latest  1.45pm) when the school closes for the day. We wish to appeal for the understanding of all our Parents/Guardians towards the implementation of the aforementioned measures for the benefit of all concerned.
  2. While soliciting for your understanding, kindly accept as always the assurances of our highest esteem.



Ashe Abba Wakilbe


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